
For those people who easily become impatient and hot-tempered. This flower was the first essence Dr Bach made, so he clearly resonated with it. It is often said to be his type remedy, as he was known to be quick to anger – but it was also quickly over.

Impatiens Details

Remedy Group Twelve Healers
Emotional Group Loneliness
Virtue Forgiveness
Failing Impatience

Getting to Know the Essence


Those who are quick in thought and action and wish all things to be done without hesitation or delay. When ill they are anxious for a hasty recovery. [Bach: Twelve Healers and Other Remedies 1936]


You are striving for exquisite gentleness and forgiveness, and that beautiful mauve flower, Impatiens, which grows along the sides of some Welsh streams, will, with its blessing, help you along the road. [Bach]

State of Being

At all times when there is impatience. Impatient with themselves, wanting to hurry things, wanting to do things quickly, wanting to get well at once, to be out and about again. Impatient with others, irritable over little things, difficult to keep their temper. Cannot wait. This state is common and often a good sign during convalescence, and the restfulness this remedy brings hastens recovery. There is often impatience in severe pain and so Impatiens is of great value at those times to relieve the pain and calm the patient.


Impatiens is in Five Flower and Five Flower Natural Cream and also Rest combination.


Impatiens grows along the banks of streams and rivers, the seeds travelling in the water. It will grow in full light or shade and accepts varying soils, unless markedly acid. It prefers damp ground. Frost sensitivity may be a limiting factor in its distribution outside of its native land.

Impatiens is found throughout Britain.

Case Studies and Anecdotes

‘Whenever there is a queue in the supermarket or on the motorway, I always seem to choose the one that moves the slowest and before I know it I feel tense and irritable.’

‘I only have to listen to my neighbour go on about this and that and I feel tightness in my stomach, and my temper starts to fray. I can’t stop myself! When taking some Impatiens for another problem, I noticed that I was much more patient next time I saw her. Feeling calmer, I was able to make a gentle excuse and move on with what I wanted to do.’

Questions and Reflections

Which aspects of Impatiens, positive or negative, do you recognise in yourself? Recall past experiences if possible.

Which aspects of Impatiens do you recognise in family and friends?


Plant Signature Activities

In Dr Bach’s time, Impatiens was quite rare, but now it is very common and is classed as a noxious weed! How do you think this might reflect on our society today?

Explore further plant/people comparisons:

Plant Person

The seeds are fired out from the seed pods, almost like bullets.

The temper can be explosive, leaving the recipients feeling as if they have been shot.

The edge of the leaf is serrated, the stems bold and strong.

How does this relate to the person?

Can you observe another aspect of the plant gesture?

What does this tell you about the person?

Botanical Information

Explore the botanical information for Impatiens by following the links below and reading the suggested sections on the reading list:

Understanding Dr Bach’s Philosophy of Healing and the Cause and Cure of Disease

Impatiens was originally used to alleviate pain.

Research the possible causes of pain. Can you understand why Impatiens is used in this way?