
The Wild Oat essence is special. It functions rather like a compass, pointing us in the direction of our true path in life. The central theme of Bach’s philosophy is that we should follow our life purpose (Collected Writings, p.122). Any delay may cause dissatisfaction or frustration, key words for the Wild Oat essence.

Wild Oat Details

Remedy Group Seven Helpers
Emotional Group For those who suffer uncertainty

Case Studies and Anecdotes

Bach suggests that if there is no response to the essences, try Wild Oat for a week and continue as long as there is improvement. If a further essence is required, Wild Oat will help to clarify what is needed. Along with Star of Bethlehem, Wild Oat is known as a ‘catalyst’.

‘Anne’s problems seemed complex – the list of possible essences was long! But an important factor was her lack of interest in work. She didn’t know what she wanted to do and seemed quite despondent. I gave her Wild Oat and told her to call me after a week. Slowly her energy levels and interest in life picked up. She was involved in a new project at work and took on more responsibility. We agreed she finish the bottle of Wild Oat, as things were going well. A few months later she had been promoted.

Questions and Reflections

Wild Oat is the essence for people who fail to find their true calling in life. They would like to do something of importance but cannot decide what it should be and as a consequence are dissatisfied.

Can you recall a time when you felt you had lost direction in life?

How did it make you feel?

What happened to put you back on track?

Wild Oat Compass

This is a reproduction of the diagram drawn by Dr Bach, where Wild Oat is at the centre and the other 18 remedies of the Twelve Healers and Seven Helpers are arranged around it in a circle. Taking Wild Oat can act as a compass to direct us to other essences and to the path we need to follow.

Plant Signature Activities

Wild Oat stems are noticeably tall and can grow up to two metres. However, the top bends over, suggesting a loss of confidence or impulse in the forward moving direction of growth.

Explore and add further plant/people comparisons:

Plant Person
Wild Oat tends to grow along lanes and pathways. With its drooping seed head it gives the impression of just ‘hanging around’. Wild Oat people hang around, bored seemingly unable to find a purposeful life direction.
  Can you imagine a person gesture?
Can you imagine a plant gesture?  

Botanical Information

Explore the botanical information for Wild Oat by following the links below and reading suggested sections on the reading list:

Questions and Reflections

Scleranthus and Wild Oat are very different plants but have similar aspects in their signature.

Can you define their similarities and differences?

How do they impact on the person gesture?

Questions and Reflections

The Wild Oat type wants to do something of importance in life.

What part of the plant signature illustrates this?

Are there any other Bach Flowers with a similar gesture?

Journal Work

  • Start building a repertory of key words, and phrases.
  • Keep a record of completed exercises and observations.
  • What immediately comes to mind when you think of Wild Oat?
  • Go out and find the plant, take time to observe it closely. Take photographs, draw or paint it.
  • What plant gestures stand out for you? Do they have some personal meaning?
  • If you have the essence, take two drops in water – take this opportunity to explore the effects of the flower within yourself.